Since 2015: Head of Master 2 MEEF PIF MEI: "Inclusive Education"
Depuis 2015: Responsable Master 2 Education Inclusive, La maquette
Since 2015:
DU neuropsychology education pedagogy scientific board and teaching
La maquette du DU Neuropsychologie Pédagogie éducation
Research diffusions:
Master 2 Children Neuropsychology, Université Grenoble- Alpes.
Master 2 Psychology of children and adolescent, Université de Savoie
Licence 3 Cognitive Science, Université Lyon 2
Master 2 Sensoriels and cognitive handicaps, Université Lyon 1
Master 2 Neuropsychology and clinical neuroscience, Université Lyon 2
Since 2014 Lecturer in Lyon 1, ESPE.
Teaching and board of examiners in certification of "School Adaptation and schooling for children with disabilities".
Teaching in Master I and II, ESPE Lyon, St-etienne, Grenoble.
National initiative module for disability.
2007-2013 Teaching assistant
in Grenoble and Chambéry in Cognitive psychology.
Models of memory
Developmental psychology
Theories of learning
Learning and memory
Learning disorders
Methodological works (statistic tools)
Cognitive psychology introduction
Toutes les vidéos
2015-2018: Scientific board of "Les petits plus" Schools
2011-2013: Scientific board of "Cerene" Schools Paris
Links to website on developmental disabilities:
Le cartable fantastique (Dr Huron)
Mon cerveau à l'école (Unicog)