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Scientific production

Scientific production:

Articles in prep.:

​Gomez, A., Corazzol, M., Lio, M., Gonzalez, M., Sirigu, A. (in prep.) Altered motor awareness in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.


Corazzol, M., Lio, M., Gomez, A., Sirigu, A. (in prep.) Neural correlates of consciousness during a sensorimotor conflict.

Mo, L., Cristofori, I., Lio, G., Gomez, A., Chen, Q., Sirigu, A. (in prep.) Reverse correlation unveils implicit universal mechanisms of trust.

Nguyen, V. C. L., Perret, T., Lio., G., Gomez*, A., Sirigu*, A. (in prep.) Learning to read with a new tactile interface to reduce crowding – Digit-tracking: a randomized, cross-over study.

Articles published:

Gomez, A., Lio, G., Costa, M., Demily, C., Sirigu, A. (2021) Double dissociation between early and late facial-cues processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams syndrome. BiorXiv.

Gomez, A., Costa, M., Lio, G., Sirigu, A., Demily, C.  (2021) Quel rôle pourrait jouer la métacognition dans la dyspraxie? ANAE, Vol.33 t.1, n°170 (Février).


Gomez, A., Costa, M., Lio, G., Sirigu, A., Demily, C.  (2020) Face first impression of trustworthiness in Williams Syndrome: dissociating automatic vs decision-based perception. Cortex. IF: 4.275

Gomez, A., Huron, C. (2020) Subitizing and counting impairments in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, Research in Developmental Disabilities. IF: 1.887


Costa, M., Gomez, A., Barat, E., Lio, G. Duhamel, JR., Sirigu, A. (2018) Implicit preference of macaque monkeys for human trustworthy faces, Nature communications. IF: 13.691.

Costa, M., Lio, G., Gomez, A., Sirigu, A. (2017) How components of facial width to height ratio differently contribute to the perception of social traits, Plos One. IF: 2.806

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Huron, C. (2016) Numerical abilities of school-age children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): a behavioral and eye-tracking study, Human Movement Science. IF: 2.072

Gomez, A., Sirigu, A. (2015) Developmental coordination disorder: core sensori-motor deficits, neurobiology and etiology. Neuropsychologia. IF: 3.673

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Huron, C. (2015) Mathematical difficulties in developmental coordination disorder: symbolic and non symbolic number processing. Research in Developmental Disabilities. IF: 1.887

Cerles, M., Gomez, A., Rousset, S. (2015) An implicit spatial memory alignment effect. Cognitive Processing. IF: 1.388

Gomez, A., Cerles. M., Rousset, S., Rémy, C. & Baciu, M. (2014) Differential hippocampal and retrosplenial involvement in egocentric-updating, rotation and allocentric processing during online spatial encoding: an fMRI study. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 8 (150). IF: 2.9

Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Bonniot, C, Charnallet, A. & Moreaud, O. (2014) Deficits in egocentric-updating and spatial context memory in a case of developmental amnesia. Neurocase. IF: 1.228


Gomez, A., Cerles, M., Rousset, S., Le Bas, J.-F., & Baciu, M. (2013). Ongoing egocentric spatial processing during learning of non-spatial information results in temporal-parietal activity during retrieval. Frontiers in cognition, 4, 366. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00366. IF: 2.463

Gomez, A., Rousset, S., & Charnallet., A. (2012). Spatial deficits in an amnesic patient with hippocampal damage: Questioning the Multiple Trace Theory. Hippocampus, 22(6), 1313-1324. IF: 5.492

Gomez, A., Rousset, S., & Baciu, M. (2009) Egocentric updating during navigation facilitates episodic memory retrieval, Acta Psychologica, 32(3), 221-7. IF: 2.628

Book chapter

Gomez, A., Huron, C. (2021) Motor systems in Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia, Encyclopedia of the Brain. Ed.: J. Grafman.

Gomez, A. (2010). Se repérer dans l'espace pour mémoriser : Approche neuroanatomique du lien entre la mémoire et l'espace. In B. Aiosa, F. Naït-Bouda, & M. Thévenon (Eds.), Repères et Espace(s). De la pluralité à la polysémie (pp. 46-54). Grenoble, PUG.

Societal diffusion, articles and conference

Cristofori, I., Gomez, A. (Soumis) La solitude et le stress affectent le bien-être des parents d’élèves durant le premier confinement. L'Education en débats.


Gomez, A. Les rendez-vous de l'éducation inclusive - L'apport des neurosciences à la recherche sur l'inclusion scolaire, R-INSPE, Mardi 19 mai 2020.

Gomez, A., Cristofori, I. Bardi, L., Le cerveau social, La semaine du cerveau, INSPE lyon, 18 mars 2020: ANNULE COVID 19.


Gomez, A., Prado, J. "Découvrir" - conférence inaugurale : Savoir lire de la science et participer à des recherches scientifiques : mode d’emploi !, Journée Neuroéducation, INSPE Lyon, 11 décembre 2019.

Nguyen, L, Gomez, A.,  DIGITRACK : accompagner l’apprentissage de la lecture avec un outil numérique, Journée Neuroéducation, INSPE Lyon, 11 décembre 2019.


Gomez, A. Le trouble de la coordination motrice : quel rôle joue la conscience motrice? 3ème journée nationale de la SOFTAL, PARIS, Lundi 24 Juin 2019.

Gomez, A. Les sciences cognitives en classe quels apports pour les élèves dyspraxiques? Forum des Sciences cognitives - Du neurone à la connaissance : Voyage au cœur de l’apprentissage, Paris, Dimanche 31 mars 2019.

Gomez, A. L’apport des neurosciences aux sciences de l’éducation, Cycle de conférences en Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle, 14 février 2019, Lyon.

Gomez, A. (2019) L’apport des neurosciences dans le processus d’apprentissage. Journée académique MLDS-FOQUALE. Lycée Louise Labé Lyon, Conférence invitée.

Gomez, A. L’apport des neurosciences aux sciences de l’éducation, Journée d'étude  « Les outils de la science au service de la psychiatrie : vers une santé mentale personnalisée ? » Conférence invitée le Vinatier, Vendredi 8 Juin 2018.

Gomez, A. (2018) Le trouble du développement de la coordination motrice, JOURNÉE DES DYS 2018, Conférence invitée.

Gomez, A. (2018) Les fonctions cognitives en classe, Conférence invitée, Réseau d'Education Prioritaire de Villeurbanne et de Vaulx-en velin.

Gomez, A. (2018) "Developmental coordination Disorder" Conférence invitée, Séminaire de traducteur d'anglais médical, facultée de médecine Lyon Est.

Gomez, A. (2018) Répercussions de la dyspraxie sur la cognition numérique : implications pour l’éducation, Conférence invitée, Séminaire de l'ESPE de Grenoble.

Gomez, A. (2018) Bien mémoriser: Quels sont les apports des sciences cognitives? Conférence invitée, College St Galmier, Mars 2018.

De la fonchais, B. (2018) Quelle place pour les neurosciences à l'école? Cortex Mag. [Article]

Animation de Table ronde sur la thématique: "Optimiser les situations d'apprentissage: quelques enseignements de la recherche", Séminaire scientifique de l'ICE-AuRA - ESPE de Clermont, Institut Carnot Education, Clermont Ferrand, 11 octobre 2017. [Oral]

Gomez, A. Amélioration de la lecture en Grande section de maternelle: résultats préliminaires dans l'académie de Lyon, Ecole Grandclément, Lyon, 17 juin 2017. [Oral]

Gomez, A. "Animation de l'atelier Dépistage, Diagnostic, Evaluation des déficits cognitifs et langagiers, colloque Réparer l’Homme, 22 septembre 2017, Villeurbanne. [Oral]

Gomez, A. (2016) Apprendre et mémoriser, l'activité cognitive en classe. Circonscription de la Loire, Conférence invitée.


Gomez, A. (2016) Les sciences cognitives/neurosciences peuvent-elles sauver l’école ? ESPE mag numéro "l'Ecole inclusive", p. 23, [Article]

Gomez, A. Etude en eyetracking et en Electro-EncéphaloGraphie (EEG) du traitement des visages dans le syndrome de Williams-Beuren, 5ème rencontres nationales du syndrome de Williams-Beuren, Lyon, le 11 juin 2016. [Oral]

Gomez, A.,  Huron, C. La cognition numérique des enfants dyspraxiques, Congrès de la SOFTAL, Lyon, 2015. [Oral]

La dyspraxie: Quand faire ses lacets est un défi !, France info

Neurospin, le cerveau en action: le cas de la dyspraxie. Universciences







Posters / Proceedings / Conference



Gauduel, T., Gonzalez-Monge, S., Gomez, A. Body representation in typical and atypical motor development: sensory and motor errors. Body Representation Net Conference, 12th july 2021.  [Poster and Oral].


Gomez, A. Altered motor awareness in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, DCD UK 2021, July 9th, 2021. [Oral]


Cristofori, I., Qua, C, Lio, G., Gomez, A., Sirigu, A. Universal facial features for building internal representation of trust., Understanding the neuroregulatory actions of oxytocin and its potential clinical applications, Erice, Sicily, Italy, May 22-27, 2018.[Poster]


Gomez, A.Costa, M., Lio, G., Demily, C., Sirigu, A. Face first impression in Williams Syndrome: a dissociation between automatic vs decision based perception of trust, European Cognitive Neuropsychology Workshop: Bressanone, 26 january 2017. [Oral]

Gomez, A.Costa, M., Lio, G., Demily, C., Sirigu, A. Can Williams syndrome (WS) patients detect trust from facial features? Eye-tracking and behavioral evidence. Inauguration de l'Institut des Sciences Cognitives Marc Jeannerod, 13 octobre 2016. [Oral]

Gomez, A.Costa, M., Lio, G., Demily, C., Sirigu, A. Face first impression in Williams Syndrome: a dissociation between automatic vs decision based perception of trust, International neuropsychological Society, London, 6 july 2016. [Poster]

Gomez, A. Episodic memory and egocentric-updating, ISCMJ, 15th december 2015. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Huron, C. La cognition numérique des enfants dyspraxiques, L2C2 brown bag, 13th octobre 2015. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dehaene, S., Huron, C. Numerical cognition in children with DCD. 11th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder, Toulouse, 2nd-4th july, 2015. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dehaene, S., Huron, C. Fronto-parietal differences in brain activations of children with DCD in a calculation and a saccades task: an fMRI study. 11th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder, Toulouse, 2nd-4th july, 2015. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dehaene, S., Huron, C. La cognition numérique et la dyspraxie de l'enfant. 3ème journée nationale de la SOFTAL, Lyon, June 9, 2015. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Huron, C. Enumeration in children with developmental coordination disorder.Hand, Brain and Technology, CSF Conference, Monte Verità, September 7-12, 2014. [Poster]

Huron, C. Developmental coordination disorder and numerical cognition. International Congress of Applied psychology, Paris, July 8-13, 2014. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Huron, C. La cognition numérique des enfants avec Troubles de l'Acquisition de la Coordination Motrice. Perspectives actuelles du développement cognitif, Journée du LPNC, 13 juin 2014, Grenoble.[Oral]

Gomez, A., Rousset, S. Charnallet, A., Moreaud, O. Amnésie développementale, mémoire du contexte et mise à jour égocentrée. Journée de Neurologie de Langue Française, 1-4 avril 2014, Strasbourg, France. [Oral]

Gomez, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Huron, C., Numerical abilities of school-age children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): a behavioral and eye-tracking study. Psychonomic conference, Toronto (Canada) November 2013. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Huron, C., Number Acuity of Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Psychonomic conference, Toronto (Canada) November 2013. [Poster]


Piazza, M, Huron, C., Gomez, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G, Dehaene, S. How young children expand their number sense, Interactions between Space, Time and Numbers-20 years of research. Collège de France, February 2013. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Huron, C., Numerical abilities of school-age children with developmental coordination disorder. International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town (South Africa) July 2012. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Piazza, M., Jobert, A., Dehaene, S., Huron, C., Numerical abilities of school-age children with developmental coordination disorder. GDR students, Paris, November 2012. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Bonniot, C., Moreaud, O., Charnallet, A. (2012) Déficits de la mise à jour égocentrée et de la mémoire du contexte spatial dans un cas d’amnésie développementale, 10ème Journée romande de Neuropsychologie, 4 octobre 2012, Genève, Suisse. [Poster]


Cerles, M., Gomez, A., & Rousset, S. (2012). Effect of egocentric perception on an allocentric memory task. International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC), 4-8 Septembre, Rome, Italie. [Poster]


Cerles, M., Gomez, A., & Rousset, S. (2012). Can a specific fluency affect only episodic memory? The effect of self-motion fluency in paths recognition. International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town (South Africa) July 2012. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Baciu, M., Moreaud, O., Charnallet, A. The role of egocentric-updating in episodic memory. Symposium invité : Remembering where you have been helps remembering what you have done: The shared neuro-cognitive basis between spatial and episodic memory International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town (South Africa) July 2012. (Convenor Pr Albert Postma).[Oral]


Gomez, A. The role of egocentric-updating in episodic memory. Linking psychology and philosophy on episodic memory, Grenoble, June 2012 (Dr Rousset and Dr Perrin) [Oral]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Baciu, M. The role of egocentric-updating in episodic memory. Séminaires du Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, Pr Poucet, Marseille (France) January 2012. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Baciu, M. The role of egocentric-updating in episodic memory. Séminaire de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Pr Blanke, Lausanne (Switzerland) June 2011. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Baciu, M. The role of egocentric-updating in episodic memory. Séminaire du Laboratoire de Neuroimagerie Cognitive, Pr Dehaene, Neurospin (Saclay), France, February 2011. [Oral]


Gomez, A., & Rousset, S. Egocentré mis à jour et accès à un état de conscience autonöétique. Symposium, la cognition multimodale. Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Lille, France, 5-10 septembre 2010, pp. 46-47. [Oral]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. (2009) Word retrieval activations related to the contextual spatial tasks (navigation and allocentric) performed during their encoding: preliminary fMRI results, Cognitive processing, 10 (S2), pp. 168.


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E., & Baciu, M. (2009) Distinct and common cerebral correlates related to three (observer-based, route and survey) learning perspectives of a spatial environment. Preliminary fMRI results. Neuroimage, 47, pp. 89.


Gomez, A., Rousset, S. & Baciu, M. (2008). Navigation processing influences episodic memory, in C. Hölscher (Eds.), Spatial Cognition, 1, pp. 93-97. Communications orales et affichées


Perrin, D., Rousset, S, Gomez, A. Subjectivité et spatialité du souvenir épisodique. Colloque pôle cognition. (Grenoble) France, Juin 2010. [Orale]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M.. Remembering a word, learned during a spatial contextual task, activates regions involved in self consciousness, when the spatial context relies on automatic “egocentric updating”. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, (Barcelona) Spain, June 6-10th 2010. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. Is self-referential processing linking egocentric-updating representations and episodic memory through the DMN? The Default Mode Network and other intrinsic networks in health and disease, (Barcelona) Spain, June 4-5th 2010. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. Remembering a word, learned during a spatial contextual task, activates regions involved in self-consciousness, when the spatial context relies on automatic “egocentric updating”. 4th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, (Rome) Italy, September 14-19th 2009. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. Distinct and common cerebral correlates related to three (observer-based, survey and navigational route) learning perspectives of a spatial environment: An fMRI study. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, (San Francisco, CA) USA, June 18-23rd 2009. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. Remembering a word, learned during a spatial contextual task, activates regions involved in self-consciousness, when the spatial context relies on automatic “egocentric updating”. 9ème Colloque de la société des neurosciences, (Bordeaux) France, May 26-29th 2009. [Poster]


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Cousin, E., Pichat, C., Guinet, E, Le Bas, J.F., & Baciu, M. Se souvenir d’un mot, appris dans un contexte spatial, active les régions liées à la conscience de soi, lorsque le traitement spatial est égocentré avec « mise à jour ». Journée de l’Ecole Doctorale pour l’Ingénierie de la Santé, de la Cognition et de l’Environnement, (Grenoble) France, May 7th 2009. [Poster], Prix du meilleur poster.


Gomez, A., Rousset, S., Baciu, M. Navigation processing influences episodic memory, International Conference on Spatial Cognition 2008, (Freiburg) Germany, September 2008. [Poster] Séminaires et Symposiums invités











Domain of research:

Developmental cognition, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Motor awareness, Body representation, Williams Syndrome, spatial cognition, episodic memory, mathematical cognition,

fMRI, EEG, eyetracking.


Reviewer for Plos one, Cortex, Neuropsychologia, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Neurocase, Research in Developmental Disabilities, International Journal of Behavioral Development journals, ANAE.

Grant reviewer:

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